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self-managing landlord

5 min read

Ten Misconceptions About Tenant Rights

When it comes to managing rental real estate properties, understanding tenant rights is crucial for maintaining a positive landlord-tenant...

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4 min read

The Future of Rental Regulations: Trends to Watch in 2024

As the housing market evolves, so do the regulations that govern rental properties. In states like California and in particular, Southern California,...

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4 min read

Southern California: A Legal Nightmare for Landlords

Managing a rental property can be extremely complicated. Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of housing regulations and ordinances, especially in...

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4 min read

The Hidden Costs of Rental Real Estate Ownership in California

Owning rental real estate in California can be a lucrative investment. However, it can come with a range of hidden costs that potential landlords may...

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3 min read

Understanding and Closing Lease Agreement Loopholes

A well-drafted and legally-sound lease agreement is the cornerstone of a successful landlord-tenant relationship. A great lease agreement protects...

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3 min read

Understanding Accessory Dwelling Units in California

Owning an accessory dwelling unit can be an overwhelming process. With considerations such as managing tenants who will be living in close proximity...

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rental property vacancies

3 min read

How Vacancy Can Sink Your Rental Profits

Seasoned landlords understand intimately why it is so crucial to keep their rental properties occupied. While an occupied unit means consistent...

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3 min read

Is it wear and tear, or is it damage?

Understanding the difference between wear and tear and damages is crucial, especially if you are a landlord or a self-managing landlord. These terms...

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3 min read

Diversifying Financially Through Long-Term Rental Properties: A Path to Stability and Wealth

In an ever-changing economic landscape, the concept of financial diversification has become paramount to secure one's future. While various...

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5 min read

Avoiding Disaster: Value-Driven Property Management Services

Choosing a property management company is an important decision for property owners. While considering a variety of options, one crucial factor to...

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